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December 28, 2023 - A Quality of Mercy

Welcome to the new blog, once again calling back to an old style that may or may not exist in a few spots. Anyways, you may wonder why I've largely pulled out of various social media sites after once singing the praises of the Fediverse (most prominently Mastodon but there are others). And honestly, the simple matter is that as it turns out; no social media site was just gonna solve all the issues I had when I left Twitter - anxiety, constantly in dread, and in general just feeling worse off every time I check it. While I still do enjoy checking on the posts every once in a while (and pretty much every single one ticked at least one of those issues I had, especially the latter), I came to the realization that I just needed to have my own headspace to properly digest and formulate my thoughts - and while it may seem lonely being the only one to maintain this blog without any sort of idea what's happening elsewhere, frankly I'm genuinely relieved I have this mercy again - something I never realized I gave up nearly 12 (has 2012 really been that long ago? oh god) ago when I first signed into Twitter. There will no doubt be points where I need to check things (and I realize making this type of thing while also maintaining a YouTube channel is a little ironic), but I would like to maintain this quality of mercy in exile from social media for a while. It was fun in the moment, especially in the early days - but being in exile has improved my mental state greatly. And let's hope for many more great blog posts from me soon!